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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Intro and poems from Talking to the Wren

Even in troubling times, poetry can lift us out of squalor, self-centered perspectives, and apathy! Notice I said “can,” not “does,” for the power and choice are ultimately up to us.

Nature offers this power too, especially when highlighted by haiku or other poems that give us a touch of surprise, humor, empathy, or beauty we might not have otherwise noticed. Then, as our awareness increases, we’re encouraged to tend the earth and all of its peoples with closer fellowship, appreciation, and good will. At least, that’s my hope in collecting poems for Talking to the Wren: Haiku, Short Verse, and One Long Poem recently published by Cyberwit.net.

Here’s a glimpse of the poems:

Black vultures at rest –
surprisingly beautiful –
on the dead branches

This morning the lake
can see its warm breath, puffing
against the cool air.

Spring comes silently –
slow as a caterpillar,
quiet as an owl.

pearl petals –
Magnolia blossoms
cup to catch Spring rain.

Kudzu leaves its green
drop-cloth over the wooden
furniture of trees.

cracks the sky like a walnut –
each half trembling.

See how old I feel!
In Autumn, the night light draws
a moth to my shine.

In every season –
Thunder! and the still, small Voice!
God is All in all.


  1. I love every one of them. It is amazing how much can be said in such few words. Good work, my friend

  2. Oh, thank you, Nells. Too many poems go on too long, but you're becoming a master of haiku and brevity! Your comments mean a lot.
